Britannica Money

import substitution industrialization

Also known as: ISI
Written by
Jennifer Bussell
Assistant professor of public affairs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas. Her contributions to SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Governance (2007) formed the basis of her contributions to Britannica.
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import substitution industrialization (ISI), development strategy focusing on promoting domestic production of previously imported goods to foster industrialization.

Import substitution industrialization (ISI) was pursued mainly from the 1930s through the 1960s in Latin America—particularly in Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico—and in some parts of Asia and Africa. In theory, ISI was expected to incorporate three main stages: (1) domestic production of previously imported simple nondurable consumer goods, (2) the extension of domestic production to a wider range of consumer durables and more-complex manufactured products, and (3) the export of manufactured goods and continued industrial diversification.

Origins of ISI

The theoretical foundation for deliberate, government-promoted ISI emerged from critiques of the international division of labour, in which less-developed countries largely exported primary products and imported finished manufactured goods from Europe and the United States. In the 1950s, critics such as Argentine economist Raúl Prebisch claimed that this division of labour would ensure continued poverty for primary-product producers. Prebisch and others argued that developing countries must promote industrialization through practices that encourage domestic manufacturing. Promotion policies involved both protection of “infant industries” for imports and incentives to encourage capital and technology imports. Tariffs were often used in addition to exchange controls, exchange-rate manipulation, and import licenses for particular products necessary for manufacturing.

Key to the implementation of the policies was an alignment that emerged between three actors in these societies: the government, including state-owned firms; domestic private enterprises; and transnational corporations (TNCs). This “triple alliance” involved government investment in intermediate and capital-goods sectors to support industrial expansion, domestic production of import substitutes, and TNC production of high-tech goods needed for manufacturing that could not yet be produced domestically. Although promoters of ISI anticipated that this alignment would last only until access to capital improved and production spilled into additional industries, the interactions between these actors were often mutually reinforcing.

Shortcomings and critiques of ISI

By the 1960s, ISI strategies were seen to have significant drawbacks. Although results varied from country to country, general trends included production that often did not extend into industries other than consumer goods, slow employment growth, agricultural-sector decline, and minimal productivity growth. Social strife also emerged and was seen in part as resulting from increased internal migration and greater inequality. Although large countries such as Brazil and Mexico produced at least short-term growth with ISI policies, smaller countries, including Ecuador and Honduras, were less successful.

Critics within Latin America, particularly at the Comisión Económica para América Latina (Economic Commission for Latin America) and the University of Chile in Santiago, condemned ISI’s dependence on TNCs and its failure to promote egalitarian development. These scholars, and others in Mexico, often pushed for socialist models free of TNC participation.

Promoters of free trade instead decried ISI’s protective measures, arguing that they created distortions in capital appropriation and prevented developing countries from pursuing their comparative advantage in international trade. New, protected industries and government planning were deemed inefficient in comparison with those encouraged through market-led development strategies. These critiques, supported in part by early observations of export-led growth in East Asia, produced a strong emphasis by economic and development agencies on export promotion beginning in the 1960s.

A third perspective highlights the relevance of national social and political histories to the success, or lack thereof, of ISI strategies. The ability of the government to learn and adapt production strategies to local conditions depended highly on the character of local institutions and social organization. Also, even though the producers of consumer goods may have been initially successful, they had little incentive to support industrial expansion, because this would require protection of those industries on which they relied for their production tools, thus potentially limiting their supply of high-quality inputs. In addition, the opportunities available to expand domestic production into new industries were limited by the lack of support by TNCs for domestic technological development, compounded by low levels of technical training in the domestic population. In each country, the opportunity to expand industrial production often depended on variations in these social and political constraints.

These critiques raise important questions about development strategies and the role of the state in the 21st century. Although ISI policies are seen not to have accomplished their developmental goals, market-led and export-driven growth have also been criticized. In the context of international trade and with some recognition of a role for the state in development, the way for national governments to pursue development remains a critical if unanswered question.

Jennifer Bussell